Complex Universe

Complex Universe represents a decentralized network of learning structures (and supporting pillars) for an entire life that allows the learner to change and evolve over time. It will empower the student to determine their own needs (with advice offered), changes in their lives, their careers, and their environment; they will own their own records and evidence; and it will respect them as individuals—the system will adjust to them instead of them adjusting to the system.

Creating More Opportunity

* Microrevenue to create a better business model.
* Deriving income from the value chain rather than just tuition.
* Model price on performance.
* Corporate partnerships to ensure a financial win for all.

Use Technology to Advantage

* Delivery on multiple media, including VR.
* Chatbots to increase efficiency.
* AI to speed and better curriculum development.
* Gamification for Engagement

Contemporary and Relevant Knowledge

* Change the geometry of the curriculum to create multiple pathways from any point.
* Both guided and independent pathways (including corporate partner pathways).
* Portable Learning Documentation.
* Increasing Learner Agency to allow learning from learning.

We all have read the literature; we know this is possible. It simply requires the right team of people to be brought together to make it happen. Everyone brings their own abilities and resources to make it happen. Like to join the team?

Join us In the Venture

There is no commitment to completing the form; it is simply a way of letting us know that you are willing to have a conversation with us, and that it is okay for us to reach out to you.

© Untitled Corp. All rights reserved.

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Looking forward to great conversations